I know that Pastor appreciation is later in the year but this opportunity came and so we seized it. Pastor Jim, wife Ingrid, and kids took a long trip to Africa where Ingrid's brother runs a Mission. While there Jim took a picture of this little girl. Janelle Brauer, wife of our former president Jim Brauer, painted the girl from the photograph. I saw it posted on her FB site and asked if our church could buy it. Janelle's art is a ministry where half the proceeds go to the mission of our choice. So we bought it and gave it to them.
Pastor and Ingrid plan on hanging the picture in the church to remind us that Missions are a very important part of Ministry even though we are so far away. God has a plan and uses what we give to serve and glorify Him. Thanks to all who contributed to this project.
After giving them the picture our church gathered around the family and prayed prayers of thanksgiving for bring the Moons to the San Luis Valley. They are doing a wonderful job bring Christ to those in need here. Jim said, "We consider this valley our Mission field." They have done a lot and hope they choose to stay for many more years to come.