A month ago my husband began experiencing a terrible illness. You can read about it on Gamma Susie's This n That blog. Just click on the link on this blog. Going through this with him has done several things for me.
1. It has shown me how to put into practice the kindness that I wrote about earlier in this blog. God was preparing me for this time when He knew I would need ultimate patience with my husband who was suffering so much and needed me to understand and be helpful. This wasn't easy as one day he was fine and the next day totally helpless and dependent on me. It wasn't easy for him either because he wants to be in control of his surroundings and now he had no control. Frustration set in. But God was also working on him and he realized that he also needed to trust God and not himself to get through this. He prayed for a change of heart and kindness also. Together we are able to get through it.
2. God opened my eyes to the suffering around me. A member in our church was having a mastectomy. She had been suffering from cancer for awhile now and I didn't realize the extend of her suffering until she asked about Don. After I told her I asked how she was doing and she told me. My heart ached for her and I began to really pray for her. I hadn't done that before.
When I drove Don to the hospital in Denver and got him situated I went out to the car which was parked by the ER entrance. Two women sat on the bench out front. One was on the phone and the other was panic stricken. She was sobbing and asked, "Does this mean he is going to die?" The other woman nodded. A shriek of despair accompanied with the words, "Oh God!" were uttered. My heart broke for her and I prayed for her as I walked to my car. I wouldn't have done that before either. I would have just kept walking worried about my own situation.
Up on the hospital wing where Don was I noticed in several rooms patients with no hair, some vomiting, others laying quietly hooked up to their IV poles which delivered the "treatment" for cancer. I realized there was so much suffering on this wing. This is where they put the patients that were "seriously" ill. Though Don was suffering they were suffering too and some much more. Their outcomes were not as good as Dons. I prayed for them.
God was opening my eyes and giving me the tender heart I asked for. He helped me realize that He is the Good Shepherd and I am His eyes. I need to open them for Him and pray and talk with Him about it. I heard that scientific studies have been done regarding the healing of those who are ill. Those who were prayed for whether they knew it or not healed faster then those who were not prayed for. Got reminded me of this study and gently nudged me to pray for these dear children of His.
The Apostle Paul prayed for others. His prayer in Ephesians 1:15-19 is a beautiful prayer and I encourage you to read it. But if you don't know what to pray for tell it to God. Romans 8:26 says, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." So I don't have to worry. God knows my heart and gives me the will to at least pray for others. His Spirit will help me with the rest.
I pray for you as you read this that your heart will be touched to pray for me and for others. Pray that God opens your eyes and helps you look through them to see the suffering around you. Then ask for the desire and will to pray for those who are in need.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Friday, May 14, 2010
Practical Christianity
I have just completed a 10 week Bible Study on 1 Peter. It is a Life Journal of the book put into daily and weekly format. It is now in the process of going through a test group beginning this Sunday, March 16. This will involve my study group to actually go through the study and make comments and editing changes.
I am excited about doing this. I learned so much from this journey. I will let you know soon why I did it. Stay tuned!
I am excited about doing this. I learned so much from this journey. I will let you know soon why I did it. Stay tuned!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I wrote on facebook a question for the readers to ponder. "Kindness. What does it mean to you?" There was a variety of responses. All good, but dealing with something we do. And yes, we do acts of kindness. But are those acts of kindness done because we choose to do them at certain times? Is there a motive behind them that is selfish based?
I would like to put it to you to consider kindness as a condition of the heart. In Ephesians 4:32 Paul tells us to "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." In my acceptance of God's forgiveness towards me I want my heart to become changed, like His. He leads me to an understanding of what He wants me to be, not just do.
Ezekiel 11:19 states what God will do for me. "Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh, so that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God."
Once God has given me my new heart I will be able to do His will and bear the fruit of the new heart possessed by the Spirit of God that is "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." (Galatians 5:22,23) Because of this condition of my new heart I can fulfill the law (statutes and judgment ), "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
I don't want kindness to simply be something I do. I want it to be a condition of my heart so that when people encounter me they see God's natural kindness in my heart that "God may be glorified."
I would like to put it to you to consider kindness as a condition of the heart. In Ephesians 4:32 Paul tells us to "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." In my acceptance of God's forgiveness towards me I want my heart to become changed, like His. He leads me to an understanding of what He wants me to be, not just do.
Ezekiel 11:19 states what God will do for me. "Then I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take the stony heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh, so that they may walk in My statutes and keep My judgments and do them; and they shall be My people, and I will be their God."
Once God has given me my new heart I will be able to do His will and bear the fruit of the new heart possessed by the Spirit of God that is "love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control." (Galatians 5:22,23) Because of this condition of my new heart I can fulfill the law (statutes and judgment ), "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it; You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
I don't want kindness to simply be something I do. I want it to be a condition of my heart so that when people encounter me they see God's natural kindness in my heart that "God may be glorified."
When Little Ones Pray
It was wonderful today when I was feeding my 13 month old grandson his lunch when he folded his hands and babbled a prayer. He only has a couple of words in his vocabulary, but I knew when I said, "Do you want to talk to Jesus?" that is exactly what he was doing. Before each bite he would fold his hands and look at me. I praised him for praying and we prayed, "Dear Jesus, thank you for this food. We love you. Amen."
I wonder if God gets excited about us like I did about my boys when they learned to pray.
Ephesians 5:1, 2 says, "Therefore be imitators of God as dear children." How do I do this? "And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma." Christ was my example here on earth. He showed me how to imitate Him for the joy of the Father. I can imagine Him saying with excitment, "Look, she is imitating me!" Then comes the pleasing laughter of a parent who is satisfied with His child.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
God's Awesome Answer to Prayer
I am totally blown away by God. He has such cool plans and puts them into action before I even know what is going on. Then when the time is right He opens the gift box. Out of it bursts and explosion of wonder and awe that I can hardly contain myself at His wonderful greatness and how He showers me with it.
Pastor Jim started a prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Last night was our second one. He started it because he went to a prayer conference in Ashville NC and came back impressed that we needed to begin a prayer ministry in our town. Last night we had a wonderful prayer time and laid ourselves open and repentant before God. We put our church school on the alter of prayer and asked God to bless it because our finances were drying up and we needed money to keep going.
This morning at 7:20 I received a call from Pastor Jim. He wanted me to put the speaker on so that he only had to tell this story once. He was weeping. He related how he had met a man "David" on the airplane when he went to the prayer conference. This man developed some equipment or software for Emergency Care facilities and was the founder of his company. Jim apparently shared with him that he was a pastor, about some of the things he was doing in his home church, and that he was going to this conference. They parted when the plane landed and Jim thought probably would never see or speak to David again.
This morning when Jim was in his morning visit with God he prayed for the school again and felt impressed to get in touch with David. Now our pastor literally hates fund raising with a passion. He hates to even ask his church to give. But he felt the "noose" around his heart pulling him to call David so with trepidation he made the call. Unbelievably David was just coming out of a meeting and took Jim's call. Jim apologized for what he was about to ask but felt moved by the Spirit to make the call. David answered with, "Why are you afraid to ask. You deprive people of the blessing of giving." This response amazed Jim. He didn't expect it at all. Breathing a prayer for help on how to present this Jim explained about our school and our program. David was so moved he donated $1,000. Jim was floored. He couldn't believe how God had set this up and how God provided. He broke down and cried.
Jim got on the phone and called us. What an explosion of encouragement. What a faith builder. I had often wondered how God was going to make this school work. This event let me know that what we are doing to keep our school open and vibrant to provide Christian education to the San Luis Valley is absolutely the right thing because it is God's thing. We are just His instruments through whom He gets His work accomplished.
If you feel impressed to give to our school our goal is $10,000 this year. But maybe we shouldn't have put a limit. We feel the need to build a new school building, but we must do this in God's time. We want our school to grow and it is. God has blessed it for many years. You may make your donation to
Pastor Jim started a prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Last night was our second one. He started it because he went to a prayer conference in Ashville NC and came back impressed that we needed to begin a prayer ministry in our town. Last night we had a wonderful prayer time and laid ourselves open and repentant before God. We put our church school on the alter of prayer and asked God to bless it because our finances were drying up and we needed money to keep going.
This morning at 7:20 I received a call from Pastor Jim. He wanted me to put the speaker on so that he only had to tell this story once. He was weeping. He related how he had met a man "David" on the airplane when he went to the prayer conference. This man developed some equipment or software for Emergency Care facilities and was the founder of his company. Jim apparently shared with him that he was a pastor, about some of the things he was doing in his home church, and that he was going to this conference. They parted when the plane landed and Jim thought probably would never see or speak to David again.
This morning when Jim was in his morning visit with God he prayed for the school again and felt impressed to get in touch with David. Now our pastor literally hates fund raising with a passion. He hates to even ask his church to give. But he felt the "noose" around his heart pulling him to call David so with trepidation he made the call. Unbelievably David was just coming out of a meeting and took Jim's call. Jim apologized for what he was about to ask but felt moved by the Spirit to make the call. David answered with, "Why are you afraid to ask. You deprive people of the blessing of giving." This response amazed Jim. He didn't expect it at all. Breathing a prayer for help on how to present this Jim explained about our school and our program. David was so moved he donated $1,000. Jim was floored. He couldn't believe how God had set this up and how God provided. He broke down and cried.
Jim got on the phone and called us. What an explosion of encouragement. What a faith builder. I had often wondered how God was going to make this school work. This event let me know that what we are doing to keep our school open and vibrant to provide Christian education to the San Luis Valley is absolutely the right thing because it is God's thing. We are just His instruments through whom He gets His work accomplished.
If you feel impressed to give to our school our goal is $10,000 this year. But maybe we shouldn't have put a limit. We feel the need to build a new school building, but we must do this in God's time. We want our school to grow and it is. God has blessed it for many years. You may make your donation to
Sunshine Christian School
315 Craft Drive
Alamosa, CO 81101
If you have questions please call 719-589-2557 and our teacher will direct you to the best resource. If you can't give, pray. As you can see prayer is HUGE!!!! And God's answers are even BIGGER!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Finding A Great Treasure
"I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure." Psalm 119:162
David wrote this psalm. He was always searching for a way to draw closer to God. Apparently he felt the need very deeply to get as close to God as possible. He was constantly being persued by his enemies. I think David felt keenly the pressure an stress of running, hiding, fighting, defending, and at many times friendless.
Have you ever felt that way? Like the world is just against you and everything is going wrong. Depression sets in. Discouragement is ever present. Do you long to know what to do to make things better?
David turned to God and His word. Apparently this is where he drew this strength and gained wisdom to know how to make his next move. God honored him for it. God called David a man after His own heart.
Get into His word, my friend. Spend time with Him. I promise you won't regret it. He will be there. How do I know? Read Isaiah 41:10. It is an awesom jewel in God's word just for you!
David wrote this psalm. He was always searching for a way to draw closer to God. Apparently he felt the need very deeply to get as close to God as possible. He was constantly being persued by his enemies. I think David felt keenly the pressure an stress of running, hiding, fighting, defending, and at many times friendless.
Have you ever felt that way? Like the world is just against you and everything is going wrong. Depression sets in. Discouragement is ever present. Do you long to know what to do to make things better?
David turned to God and His word. Apparently this is where he drew this strength and gained wisdom to know how to make his next move. God honored him for it. God called David a man after His own heart.
Get into His word, my friend. Spend time with Him. I promise you won't regret it. He will be there. How do I know? Read Isaiah 41:10. It is an awesom jewel in God's word just for you!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Bride and Groom
I love weddings. I love all the decorations, beautiful dresses, smart tuxedos, fancy food. But most of all I love the happy faces especially on the bride and groom. The look they give each other on their special day is one that can't be described. You just have to see it.
A lot of work goes into weddings. Months of planning, money, time. But in the end it all seems to be worth it. Parents are willing to shell out the bucks to make sure their daughter or son have a wonderful day. They want them to be happy and have a great send off. Parents also want to show the world how proud they are of their kid. (Well, emerging adult.) So they invite all their friends to come and enjoy the event with them.
May daughters were the most beautiful brides in the world. I looked at them and thought, WOW! These are my daughters. I was thrilled to present them as beautiful, well brought up, loving women. They are my jewels. I understand this text in Isaiah 61:10.
So I look forward with anticipation to that day when the groom, Jesus, comes for His bride, me (and those who love Him). I can't even imagine the looks on our faces. I think you will have to be there to see it.

May daughters were the most beautiful brides in the world. I looked at them and thought, WOW! These are my daughters. I was thrilled to present them as beautiful, well brought up, loving women. They are my jewels. I understand this text in Isaiah 61:10.
"I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels."God wants to gush over me. To show me off. To tell all who will listen how beautiful I am. In turn, I want to gush over Him. I want to tell all who will listen how wonderful He is. He saved me and lifted me up from a sinful world and certain death and is preparing a beautiful place for me to live with Him. He is proud of me. He loves me. He cares for me. That can only make me feel wonderful.
So I look forward with anticipation to that day when the groom, Jesus, comes for His bride, me (and those who love Him). I can't even imagine the looks on our faces. I think you will have to be there to see it.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Precious Gems At Adam's State College

Friday, February 5, 2010
The Hope Diamond
When I think of a precious "rock" I think of the "Hope Diamond." It was originally owned by Jean Baptiste Tavernier and weighed in at 112 3/16 carats. He sold it to Louis XIV of France in 1668. It was eventually cut down into a 67 1/8 carat stone. It had a deep blue color and thus got the name "Blue Diamond of the Crown". The stone was reset and had several owners most being royalty. The stone has an interesting history of travel throughout time. Eventually in 1901 Lord Francis Hope sold the diamond to pay off debt. This is probably how it got it's name. Harry Winston, who eventually ended up owning the diamond, donated it to the Smithsonian. After being weighed at the Smithsonian it was found to be 45.52 carats. It is surrounded by 16 white diamonds and hangs from a chain with 45 white diamonds.
I can't even imagine touching such a thing let alone wearing it. I wonder what the people felt like wearing it - both kings and ladies? I wonder if it felt heavy? One thing that made people ooh and aw over it was the deep rich color. Some described it as having violet hues. But no doubt the deep blue was fascinating to see. For sure, it was considered a "precious stone."

There is a stone that is far greater and more precious that withstands time more pure and perfect than any diamond. 1 Peter 2:6 restates a passage from Isaiah.
I can't even imagine touching such a thing let alone wearing it. I wonder what the people felt like wearing it - both kings and ladies? I wonder if it felt heavy? One thing that made people ooh and aw over it was the deep rich color. Some described it as having violet hues. But no doubt the deep blue was fascinating to see. For sure, it was considered a "precious stone."

There is a stone that is far greater and more precious that withstands time more pure and perfect than any diamond. 1 Peter 2:6 restates a passage from Isaiah.
"Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious. And he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame."When I compare both stones in this story I find that Jesus comes out as way more desirable. No one was able to keep the "Hope Diamond." It changed from owner to owner. But I am able to keep Christ because it is He who keeps me!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Special Treasure
"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine." Exodus 19:5Wow! What an awesome text! I can be God's special treasure. I have always wanted to be treasured. It makes me feel very special. I enjoy being wanted and needed. And besides, everyone perks up at the thought of treasure. It is fun to search for and even more fun to have. It sparkles and glitters in the light and is beautiful to look at. It is priceless! That why it is a treasure.
When I was in college I dated a guy that was not all that excited about being with me in public. It might ruin his image I guess. Needless to say we didn't last that long. But when I dated my husband, he was proud to be with me. He liked showing me off to his friends and having me on his arm. I loved being with him because he made me feel wanted, needed, and loved.
There is a condition to this treasure and that is obeying the voice of God. If I understand what God's plan is for me and understand that He is the one who has my best interest at heart then why not give Him my all?
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11.He isn't out there to take away the fun or to ruin my life. No! He has given His life for me so that I might live. And live life as His special treasure!
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever chooses to believe in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
He gives us the choice whether we want to accept that gift or not. Here is the choice laid out:
"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." Deut. 30:19."Choose life. Choose to accept the gifts of God. Choose to be His special treasure, sparkling, rich in beauty.
PS: All the pictures are of my precious jewels (grandchildren) that God has placed in my treasury.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Golden Apples and Gift Boxes
I'm not talking about the kind you can eat, though they are very good. I am referring to a fitly spoken word. Solomon wrote in Proverbs 25:11,12:
To those of you who care enough about me to give me fitly spoken words....thanks for the golden apples in silver settings. You are a beautiful gift box.
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Like an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold is a wise rebuker to an obedient ear."If I do something that's wrong and my friends don't say anything to me about it then I don't feel very loved by them. Maybe that's because they didn't care enough about me to help me be a better person. I appreciate it when someone says something kindly to me to help me make things right. It may be hard to hear, but I know that they care. If I am willing to listen then I can make things right. That is a huge relief, knowing that things are going in the right direction. When I can be a better person than I can be an obedient ear that displays the ornament of fine gold.
To those of you who care enough about me to give me fitly spoken words....thanks for the golden apples in silver settings. You are a beautiful gift box.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Treasure Hunting
One day my husband, Don, bought me a book on gold panning. He even bought me a pan and some other stuff to go with it. It was a great read.
There were stories about those searching for gold in the San Juan and Sangre de Cristo mountains. Prospectors would "hit pay dirt" and find a fortune. Eventually it would become necessary to go get something to haul their fortune out of the mountains. They hid in a cave or dug a hole and buried it so no one would find it until they returned. Then they marked it in their memory by looking at the surrounding terrain planning all the while to come back and find their treasure right where they left it.
Unfortunately many didn't make it back. Some couldn't remember where they had buried or hid it or because of weather or time the terrain changed and they couldn't find it. Knowing there was hidden treasure so close by made me want to go hunt for it.
Solomon wrote about treasure hunting.
This text just gave us the way to search for and know the mind of God. WOW! Isn't it cool to have access to the greatest mind ever anywhere? No wonder Solomon was a smart guy. Let's go treasure hunting together. When we find it, let's not hide it, but spend in on each other. Come on! It's going to be fun to see what we find.

Unfortunately many didn't make it back. Some couldn't remember where they had buried or hid it or because of weather or time the terrain changed and they couldn't find it. Knowing there was hidden treasure so close by made me want to go hunt for it.
Solomon wrote about treasure hunting.
God gave Solomon an opportunity to ask for anything he wanted when he was anointed king. Instead of asking for fortune and long life he asked for wisdom. God granted this request. And because he attained wisdom he also lived long and became the richest king in history. Smart guy!"My son(daughter), if you will receive my words, and hide my commandments with you; so that you will listen to wisdom, and open your heart to understanding; yes, if you desire knowledge, and ask for understanding; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you shall understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God." Proverbs 2:1-5.
This text just gave us the way to search for and know the mind of God. WOW! Isn't it cool to have access to the greatest mind ever anywhere? No wonder Solomon was a smart guy. Let's go treasure hunting together. When we find it, let's not hide it, but spend in on each other. Come on! It's going to be fun to see what we find.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Comfort One Another
I was on the phone late last night talking and crying with a friend. She related a story to me that broke my heart. When her daughter was 8 she was molested. As she talked I could feel her tears and her heart just aching. The complex emotions that were still raw and the anger towards those who would do this and those who didn't help her daughter when they had the chance like their pastor were evident.
We talked about my own experience with my daughter and how she suffered and is still suffering from a bad relationship that left her devastated and trying to figure out how to raise two boys now on her own. A whole range of emotions of anger, hurt, frustration, and sadness have taken its toll.
It is hard to protect the ones we love as human beings. I am sure that God when He sent His only begotton Son to this world must have gone through the same emotional gambit. At His birth there was joyful singing. But through Jesus' life there must have been tenseness, hand wringing, and wishing, by God, that He could just snatch His Son and bring Him back into the protection of heaven so that He didn't have to suffer at the hand of those terrible sinful humans guided by the enemy, Satan. Yet Jesus remained and endured it for our sakes.

My friend has a strong faith. It shines pearls and diamonds. It is treasure that she shares with others so that they too can enjoy the brightness and beauty of what God is doing for us while we are still here on this earth waiting for that wonderful day when Christ our lover and friend will come and get us. This is what she shared with me, not in text but from her experience in dealing with such hurtful experiences:
We talked about my own experience with my daughter and how she suffered and is still suffering from a bad relationship that left her devastated and trying to figure out how to raise two boys now on her own. A whole range of emotions of anger, hurt, frustration, and sadness have taken its toll.
It is hard to protect the ones we love as human beings. I am sure that God when He sent His only begotton Son to this world must have gone through the same emotional gambit. At His birth there was joyful singing. But through Jesus' life there must have been tenseness, hand wringing, and wishing, by God, that He could just snatch His Son and bring Him back into the protection of heaven so that He didn't have to suffer at the hand of those terrible sinful humans guided by the enemy, Satan. Yet Jesus remained and endured it for our sakes.
My friend has a strong faith. It shines pearls and diamonds. It is treasure that she shares with others so that they too can enjoy the brightness and beauty of what God is doing for us while we are still here on this earth waiting for that wonderful day when Christ our lover and friend will come and get us. This is what she shared with me, not in text but from her experience in dealing with such hurtful experiences:
"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulations, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." 2 Cor. 1:1Be encouraged dear ones. Know that you are not alone. God is merciful and loving towards you. Put your head on His shoulder and rest. Be comforted. You are precious in His sight. More precious than diamonds or rubies. He loves you with love that prompted Him to come and die in your place. He is risen and preparing for us. (John 14:1-3) Soon we will be with him in Glory never to be hurt again. Have faith and hold on.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Why I Started This Blog
I have a Women's Bible Study group that meets in my home every week. These ladies have become good friends and are very precious. They are beautiful! Many of them had heart breaking issues and they came to figure out how to get through it or to comfort others. We are currently studying the "Breaking Free" series by Beth Moore. I have seen a wonderful transformation in these ladies. And I have added them to my prayer life and have been greatly enriched by them.
I went to the Women of Faith conference last year in Denver at the Pepsi Center. It was amazing. When I first walked in there the place was filled with women of every walk of life, every shape and size, every faith. I was overwhelmed with a sense of beauty that God had created and it was all gathered together in one place, all praising Him. Tears came to my eyes.
We all want to be beautiful. We want to be seen for the beauty that God put in us both physically and deep inside. The text that is posted above, Isaiah 51:3 has become a wonderful theme of hope. One day we will be adorned in beauty. What woman doesn't want to be beautiful, dressed in her finest - adorned with jewels - smelling wonderful? What woman doesn't want her man - lover - to be proud to display her to the world on his arm. Everyone that I know has dreamed of her wedding day when she can be the princess all decked out in her wedding gown and walking toward her handsome lover dressed in his awesome tuxedo.
Christ is that person for us. He is our lover, friend, and caretaker.
I went to the Women of Faith conference last year in Denver at the Pepsi Center. It was amazing. When I first walked in there the place was filled with women of every walk of life, every shape and size, every faith. I was overwhelmed with a sense of beauty that God had created and it was all gathered together in one place, all praising Him. Tears came to my eyes.
We all want to be beautiful. We want to be seen for the beauty that God put in us both physically and deep inside. The text that is posted above, Isaiah 51:3 has become a wonderful theme of hope. One day we will be adorned in beauty. What woman doesn't want to be beautiful, dressed in her finest - adorned with jewels - smelling wonderful? What woman doesn't want her man - lover - to be proud to display her to the world on his arm. Everyone that I know has dreamed of her wedding day when she can be the princess all decked out in her wedding gown and walking toward her handsome lover dressed in his awesome tuxedo.
Christ is that person for us. He is our lover, friend, and caretaker.
"For your Maker is your husband,So this blog is for all those who wish to feel and be beautiful in Christ. Who want their lives enriched, encouraged, and changed. I pray that you will find Jesus to be your knight in shining armor - your savior and protector. Your friend.
The LORD of hosts is His name;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel;
He is called the God of the whole earth. "Isaiah 54:5
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